Enjoy greater comfort and automate repetitive tasks with the home automation scenarios

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Smart home: the magic of smart scenarios

Create and plan smart scenarios easily from your app. A single command activates a series of functions that are fully customised to your home automation system.

Break free from constraints and optimise the comfort of your home

Make your life easier and prevent oversights by automating the repetitive tasks of your daily life

Secure your home by simulating your presence when you are away

Save energy and turn your home into a genuine eco-friendly smart home

Make your home smarter and more connected with the creation of home automation scenarios

Trigger a series of commands pre-recorded in your app according to a schedule, a manual action or an environmental condition.


React instantly and automatically to any change in the environment or mood of your smart home. By integrating a home automation system and scenarios, your home adapts to the habits, personal preferences and daily routines of all members of your family.

Easily create and plan your routines from the Do.App

Your smart scenarios are accessible everywhere at any time with the Dovit App! 


The “Scenario” function of the app allows you to control several devices at the same time. 


Simply create customised routines for each of your rooms and for each member of your family. 


Trigger all your home automation scenarios with a single click or schedule them according to set times and days. You can add your favourite routines directly on the home screen of your app for quick access.

scenario domotique sur l'application DO.App et sur l'écran tactile DO.Touch

More comfort, security and savings with the home automation scenarios

Depending on your lifestyle and rhythm, create scenarios that will fit perfectly into your daily routine.

Don’t worry about daily and repetitive actions, your daily routines are automated.  

For example, by automatically switching off an energy-consuming device every night, you will be able to reduce your energy consumption. You can also reduce the risk of burglary by simulating your presence when an intruder is detected near your home.

Connect your routines to your connected objects

“Alexa, I’m home!” 

Go further by synchronising all the connected devices in your smart home with your routines. With a simple voice command, you launch a series of actions programmed with our smart solution. Ideal for when you come home with an armful of groceries!

Appareils connectés Alexa et Google Home

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