Dovit Logo

Legal notices

I. Company type and contact details

[Last updated on 19 June 2019]

This website belongs to DOVIT SA.

DOVIT SA is a Luxembourg company with its registered office at C1 – 1, rue Peternlechen, L-2370 Howald, Luxembourg, represented by its board of directors currently in office, registered in the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register under the number B225938.

You can contact DOVIT for any questions regarding our products or services at the following numbers:

Tél : +352 36 73 81 466
Fax : +352 36 74 98

Our website works with all standard web browsers such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. If all or part of the contents of our website is not displayed on your web page, please try an alternative browser. 


II. Cookies

[Last updated on 19 June 2019]

We use cookies, pixels and other technologies (collectively termed “cookies”) in order to recognise your browser or device, to find out more about your interests, to make essential functionality and services available to you and for other purposes, including:

  • To recognise you when you log in to our site to use our services. This enables us to provide you with product recommendations, to display personalised content and to identify you as a user of the site.
  • To perform searches and diagnostics to improve DOVIT’s content, products and services.
  • To prevent fraudulent acts.
  • To improve the website’s security.
  • To provide content, including advertising, related to your interests on the DOVIT website.

Cookies enable you to take advantage of some of our essential website functionality. If therefore you block or otherwise reject our cookies, you will then no longer be able to use services requiring you to log in to our website.

Third parties may also deposit cookies when you visit our site. Such third parties include search engines, measurement and anaylsis service providers, social networks and advertising agencies. Third parties use cookies when they deliver content which includes advertisements matching your interests or to gauge the effectiveness of their advertisements. DOVIT does not verify how these third parties manage and program these cookies. Ask these third parties directly for information if you wish to obtain further details of such third-party cookies.

Facebook – Deactivation link
Twitter – Deactivation link
Google – Deactivation link
Linkedin – Deactivation link
Yahoo – Deactivation link
Youtube – Deactivation link

You can manage cookies using the settings in your web browser. The “Help”, “Options” or “Settings” sections in most browsers show you how to reject additional cookies, how to have a message showing when you receive them, how to disable cookies and when they will expire. If you disable cookies in your browser, neither DOVIT nor third parties will transfer cookies into your browser. However, if you choose to do so, you may be forced to adjust your preferences manually each time you visit a site and some of the functionality and services may not work.

Our site uses the following cookies, which you can manually and individually authorise or reject using your browser settings.

  • Technical cookies > Essential for the site to work
  • Audience measurement cookies > Error detection, improving ergonomics
  • Location cookies > Locating the browser and IP address
  • Advertising cookies > Displaying advertisements or links
  • Social network cookies > Links to related networks

In your browser’s “privacy” settings there is also the option to delete all or some of the cookies installed on your computer. Please note that all the cookies that you have authorised then deleted will be automatically reinstalled when you next visit our site, unless you prevent this process using your browser settings.

Cookies installed by DOVIT have a lifetime of no more than 12 (twelve) months. 


III. Processing of personal data

[Last updated on 19 June 2019]

When you use our website, your personal data may be collected. When this happens, we do all we can to protect your right to privacy and to protect your data. The processing of your personal data is performed in compliance with the relevant legislation, including the European General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) 2016/679 of 26 April 2016.

Please find the relevant information below.


Data Controller

The data controller is the natural person or legal entity that determines how and for what purpose your personal data are processed.

In this case, the data controller is DOVIT SA.

For any questions relating to data protection, please contact DOVIT at the following address:

C-1 – 1, rue Peternelchen,
L-2370 Howald, Luxembourg


The data that we collect

The data that we collect on this site relate solely to visitors and holders of an account on the DOVIT website.

We process your data on a voluntary basis or when it is necessary to ensure ongoing access to our website or to provide you with the most suitable services for your specific circumstances. Depending on the case, the collection and processing of your data is therefore based on:

  • your consent [Article 6.1), a) of the GDPR], whenever you ask DOVIT for specific services (newsletters, personalised contact, etc.);
  • a contractual requirement or prior to a contract between you and DOVIT [Article 6.2), b) of the GDPR], when you enter into a contract with DOVIT and either you or DOVIT must comply with a contractual obligation (accessing and operating home automation equipment, entering into the contract, identifying the client in order to provide the service, etc.);
  • DOVIT’s legitimate interests, such as maintaining and improving the services offered on our website [Article 6.1), f) of the GDPR];
  • In some cases, la loi we may be obliged by law to collect certain data, such as metadata [Article 6.1), c) of the GDPR].

We collect the information that you provide to us through the use of our website or by other means when required (emails, etc.). The confidentiality of information provided in this way is of course of prime importance for DOVIT.

(a) The type of information collected in this way specifically includes, depending on your usage of our website:

  • The location given by your browser;
  • IP address;
  • Metadata (connection times, your connection speed, webpages viewed, etc.) ;
  • Any other information required to view, access or use our website.

b) If a Dovit account is created (particularly to access remote Dovit services using a smartphone app)), the following categories of information may be collected:

  • User identification data (surname, first name, username, password, date of birth, etc.) ;
  • Contact details (email address, telephone number, postal address, etc.) ;
  • User preference data (languages used, country, type of mobile device, type of computer system used.

(c) If Dovit’s remote home automation services are used, the following information may also be collected in addition to the categories of information shown in points (a) and (b) above:

  • Identification of the building concerned (description, serial number, full postal address);
  • Identification of the home automation equipment (router number, access codes, etc.).

Furthermore, if the persons concerned indicate their consent, we collect and process their identification and contact data in order to keep them informed of relevant announcements and newsletters concerning DOVIT. You will be given details of the information requested, which may include: surnames, first names, email address, telephone number or any other information needed to provide you with the requested service. 


Do we share the information collected in this way?

We do not send your private data to any third parties except at your express request or for the strict purpose of fulfilling our legal obligations.

For instance, it may happen that we provide some of your personal data to a public authority (court, police, etc.) that requests us to do so and that has the legal authority to demand such information from us. 

Pursuing criminal offences, particularly anti-money-laundering and terrorist financing are among the rare circumstances in which we are occasionally obliged to provide some of your personal data.

We do not sell your personal data and do not provide them to third parties for commercial purposes. However, as already stated in point II (“Cookies”) of this legal notice, we cannot verify how third-party companies collect and process data collected using their own third-party cookies for their own purposes, which differ from those of DOVIT.


Security of your data

The personal data that we process are kept securely and access to them is restricted to authorised persons.

We have implemented both physical and technical security measures to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your personal data. For instance, your data are regularly saved on a back-up server, thereby enabling us to ensure that your data are not damaged or lost.

Whenever you communicate with us and also when you provide personal data, it is important that you should protect yourself from any attempted data capture or intrusion. Use robust passwords, log off your computer after each session and encrypt your messages and documents whenever possible. DOVIT cannot be held liable for any physical or moral damage or loss you may incur as a result of a security breach or negligence on your part.

If you wish to access your own personal data, we may ask you to provide proof of your identity in order to ensure the security of such data.

Furthermore, your data are only kept for the time needed for the purpose for which they were collected. As a rule, we keep data from cookies or other metadata no longer than 12 (twelve) months after collecting them. The exception to this retention period is in the event of being legally obliged to keep your data for a longer period. For instance, as part of our obligation to keep commercial documents and invoices, we are obliged to keep such data for a minimum period of 10 (ten) years.


Your rights

You have several rights with regard to your personal data:

  • The right to request access to your personal data;
  • The right to request the rectification of your personal data;
  • The right to request the deletion of your personal data;
  • The right to request a restriction on the processing of your personal data and to understand the impact of such a restriction;
  • The right to object to the processing of your personal data and to understand the impact of such an objection;
  • The right to the portability of your personal data;
  • When the processing of your data is based on your consent, the right to withdraw your consent at any time without such withdrawal affecting the lawfulness of the previous processing;
  • The right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling;
  • The right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.

Please note that we may need to restrict or deny the exercise of one of these rights for reasons pertaining either to a legal requirement or to specific de jure or de facto circumstances.


IV. Intellectual property

[Last updated on 19 June 2019]

The content, webpages, designs, photographs, downloadable or viewable documents on the DOVIT website (“the Content”) are the exclusive property of their respective copyright holders.

Unless stated otherwise, you have no right or licence to use (commercially or otherwise), communicate, reproduce or sell the Content. If you wish to obtain permission to do so, please contact DOVIT, which will evaluate your request as soon as possible or redirect you to the relevant copyright holders.

Any improper or unauthorised use of the Content may be liable to prosecution or legal proceedings by DOVIT or the respective copyright holders.